Our Newsletter: A Time to Share


A Time to Share

Winter Newsletter


Winter Birthdays and Anniversaries

December 2024

7—Joyce Dungan 

8—Megan Roe

18–Mickey Reichel

January 2025

1—Mickey & Charlene Reichel

17–Caroline Herigon

February 2025

1—Tad Schuldt

2—Callen Rhett Glenn (2 years old!)

21–Carolyn Eichelberger


Winter Volunteers


December—David Smith

January—Lewis Miller

February—Jim Siverling




December 1—Lewis and Brooks

January 5—David and Marty

February 2—Susan and Grace


Potluck Hosts: 

No potluck in December

January 26—Susan and Sharon

February 23—Debby and Gail



Best Choice Labels 

Julie Pasley coordinates our participation in the Best Choice Save-A-Label Program.  All we need to do is cut around the UPC symbols and give them to Julie.  Be sure to include only Best Choice products!



Winter Calendar

Mondays—Discussion Group, Maggie’s, 5:30

Wednesdays—Choir Practice, 5:30


Sun. Dec. 1—First Sunday of Advent, Communion

Sun. Dec. 8—Session Meeting, noon

Tues. Dec. 24—Christmas Cheer, 4:30; Christmas Eve Service, 5:30

Dec. 25-Jan. 2—Pastor Tad on vacation

Sun. Dec. 29—Worship Leader, Susan Miller

Week of Aug. 11—Session Meeting

Sun. Aug. 21—Susan Miller, Worship Leader

Sun. Aug. 25—Potluck following worship


Please pray for those in need:  

Cancer Treatments—Joyce Dungan’s niece Vicki, Maddie (friend of Merissa Meador), Julie Pasley’s daughter-in-law Dana; Tiffany Smith and Erica (friends of the Davises).  Physical Healing—Colton Glenn (Ben’s brother), James Hurt, Rex Myers, Klusmeyers’ grandson Isaiah (ACL rehab), Charlene Reichel, Keith and Laura Herigon. General Requests—Sharon Wooldridge’s sister Carmen and her husband Jim, who has Alzheimer’s; Karen Kreienheder; JoAnn Sullivan; spouses of Tiffany and Erica (see above); Charlene’s nephews, Charlie and Trey; Covid sufferers; health care workers; government leaders; victims of bullying, wars, other violence and natural disasters. 

Ongoing Responsibilities

Thanks to these volunteers for helping to keep us running “decently and in good order!”

Pastor:  Rev. Tad Schuldt        

Musician:  Tammy Poulsen

Choir Director/Bulletin Board: Debby Davis

Choir:  Bob & Joanie Bosma, Paul Davis, Susan Miller

Bulletin Typist:  Julie Pasley

Ministerial Alliance:  Gail Klusmeyer

Session Members:  Jim Siverling, Cathy Marshall & Marty Smith; Susan Miller (Clerk), David Smith (Treasurer)


Session Notes

At its November meeting, the Session:

  • Adopted an Anti-Racism Policy
  • Approved the budget for 2025
  • Conducted a review of the pastor’s performance and compensation package
  • Voted to cancel the Soup and Sandwich Fundraiser this year, after 15 years
  • Approved the membership of Charlene and Mickey Reichel by Reaffirmation of Faith
  • Recorded the baptism of Korben Meador on Oct 27.





Treasurer’s Report

Checking Balance 10/1/2024     $12,784.93

May Receipts                              $ 7,371.94

May Expenses                         -$ 7,866.84

Checking Balance 6/30/2024    $12,954.97



Christmas Eve Goodies!!

Get out your favorite Christmas cookie recipe and gather with us in the Reception Room at 4:30 on Christmas Eve for fellowship and treats before the worship service at 5:30.




Firstborn Son

Scripture Reading — Luke 2:1-7

She gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger.

It’s so wonderful to hold a newborn baby in your arms. To look into the newly opened eyes, to feel the delicate skin, to hear the little squeaks. We pause here in wonder at Mary’s firstborn son, lying in a manger.

But as we admire the baby in the manger, we know that he has to grow up. It’s not a baby who “will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Ever­lasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). It’s not a baby who will take on the religious establishment and the Roman caesar and Satan and sin and death. It’s not a baby who will die for our sake on a cross. It’s not a baby who will then rise from the tomb, ascend to heaven, and take his seat at the Father’s right hand.

That sweet little newborn will grow up and overturn the power structures of the world. Though he is almighty God, he becomes a helpless infant. Instead of royal robes he wears strips of cloth. Instead of a warrior surrounded by an army, he is attended by nobodies. The thunder of his authority is muted into the cries of a child.

But this helpless baby is a powerful threat because he is a promise that the days of the powerful are numbered.

Let’s marvel that in this little bundle lies the power that will change our lives—and this world—forever.

“O come, let us adore him, Christ, the Lord!”

–Thea Nyhoff Leunk


Advent is Hope

Advent Is Hope:  In the Hurts–Advent is a season for hope—-hope that empowers us and allows us to prepare, anticipate, wait, and watch for Christ to return. God’s promises thread their way through the Scriptures and through history. As God’s people, we find hope in the hurts and disconnected-ness of our lives.


Advent Is Hope:  In the Waiting—The healing is not yet complete. Our lives are still torn with hurts. As we wait, we are preparing for his coming. But what is the meaning of the delay? Why does the Lord take so long to fulfill his promises? We wait expectantly, knowing He will come.


Advent Is Hope:  A New Order—According to the prophet, everything is about to be reversed. The new order has arrived. The afflicted will hear good news, the captives will be set free, and those who mourn will be comforted. God comes to us from above, bringing light and healing, mending the broken cloth of our lives to dispel our loneliness and despair.


Advent Is Hope:  In God’s Order—God is in charge of the kingdom and its future. God intervenes to fulfill his promises in a way no one could predict. When God’s promises are ripe, they burst into new and unforeseeable fulfillments. The white circle of God’s love enters into the fibers of our distorted lives and glows with a new intensity.

Roger Van Harn–https://www.reformedworship.org/
